Thursday, September 1, 2011

Blog Assignment number 1.

My name is Ashton Counselman and I am 23 years old, have been married for three years, and have a two-year old daughter named Isabella.  I was born and raised in Mobile, Alabama and plan to have more children and continue rasing my family here.  I am majoring in Elementary Education and plan to become a Kindergarten teacher as my passion for children is extraordinary.  I have dreamed of becoming a teacher since I was a little girl and hope to one day have the privilege of influencing the lives of children on a daily basis.  My mother was a teacher all her life and has recently started tutoring children instead of teaching.  I began babysitting at the age of nine years old and never looked back.  Children bring joy to my heart and they are what I live for.

I went to Faulkner State Community College in Bay Minette my first two years of school and transferred to the University of South Alabama this Spring.  I will be entering the Candidacy program next fall and am very eager to begin student teaching.  I cannot see myself doing anything else with my life other than teaching and look forward to the day I start.

I have two older brothers who mean the world to me and they both recently got married and I am happy to welcome two sister-in-laws to our family.  My family means everything to me and this is why I could never see myself living anywhere other than Mobile as I would be severely home sick.

Some of my hobbies, or things i enjoy doing include: spending time with family and friends, raising my daughter (she is my heart), playing sports (for fun), laying out, swimming, hunting, fishing, shooting skeet, four-wheeler riding, boating, going out to eat, going to the movies, listening to music, dancing, working out, shopping, traveling, holidays, going to the fair, Bayfest, Mardi Gras, following Alabama football, pretty much anything that involves being active.  I am a very outgoing, on-the-go type of girl and would rather be out doing something rather than sitting at home.

When I watched Randy Pausch on Time Management, I learned that we, as a society, are typically more interested in managing our money rather than our time.  I also learned that you are much more likely to succeede in life if you always have a plan, a goal, and that know you know WHY you will succeede and why you are going after this particular thing to accomplish in life.  Make sure you always have a goal in life so that you can have something to strive for and once you reach it, you will know what it feels like to experience satisfaction and achievement.  Don't worry so much about always doing things the right way, but DOING THE RIGHT THINGS.  Experience comes with time so things are going to happen over night.  If you always have a plan for yourself you have the opportunity to change that plan yet if you never make one, you will never have anything to revise or go by.  Last but not least, always make sure to have to-do-lists in life so you won't forget the most important things you need to accomplish or achieve.  It is also best to do the ugliest, or worst, thing on your list that you have to do FIRST so that there leaves no time for procrastination!


  1. Hello Ashton, my name is Brandy and I enjoyed reading your post. I want to become a kindergarten teacher as well. I realized that teaching was right for me when I started teaching art class for the six and under class on Sunday mornings. I will be the first in my family to become a teacher.

  2. Hey Ashton, my name is Tyler and it sounds like you were destined to be a teacher! I have to tell you it takes special people to be kindergarten teachers. I never understood that saying growing up, but after I worked at an after-program for the past 5 years I COMPLETELY understand it. Good luck with your career and this class!

  3. Welcome to EDM310. This is a test. This comment should be sent to your Gmail account and to

    Thanks for starting early!

  4. Hey Ashton, I'm Michael, your first blog post is definitely interesting. It sounds like you truly have a heart for teaching, which is so important when working with young children. Your paragraph on Time Management is also very good. I agree with you that you can't change or revise a plan that you never had to being with. I never thought about doing the worst thing first, I usually procrastinate and do the ugliest thing last. I also agree with what you said on having a goal to complete, and can definitely be seen by your introductory paragraph talking about your goals to be a kindergarten teacher.

  5. Try not to get behind! You're missing Blog Post 2 and a few other assignments. Try to finish the work that is due this Sunday then go back and make up the work you missed. The lab assistants can help you if you have questions. Refer to your checklist to see what is due. Good luck!
